
WashU Pre-Dental Group Visit

PDS Nursery school volunteering March 3, 2025

OBJECTIVE: Our mission as WashU Pre-Dental Society’s Education Committee is to increase access to early-childhood oral health education. We are all current WashU undergraduate students with dreams of becoming dentists and oral health specialists in our future. We visit classrooms in the St. Louis region to host fun, interactive presentations on oral health.

Class Event

– 3 stations

  • –  Playdough teeth –
  • –  Cleaning laminated tooth –
  • –  Flossing activity – ~10:00AM – Move to next classroom and repeat

Activity details
– Round circle

– Using handouts of teeth, toothbrushes, floss, etc. we will cover the following topics. We may not get through all of the topics but we will cover a few for around 10 minutes or until the students are not engaged anymore

  • –  Where are our teeth?
  • –  What do we use our teeth for?
  • –  What is a dentist?
  • –  Why should I go visit the dentist?
  • –  Why do we care about taking care of our teeth?
  • –  What materials do we use to take care of our teeth?
  • –  Playdough teeth
    • –  Materials: playdough, teeth printouts
    • –  Goal: students will improve their counting/number skills and dexterity by making playdough teeth corresponding to each number.
    • –  Instructions for volunteers: divide the playdough so students can shape them up into teeth. Ask the students to place the corresponding number of teeth onto the printout according to what the number above the tooth says
  • –  Cleaning teeth
    • –  Materials: laminated printouts, dry-erase markers, Q-tips
    • –  Goal: share the importance of cleaning cavities (sugar bugs) from teeth and develop motor skills by having them use Q tips to erase the cavities
    • –  Instructions for volunteers: use the dry-erase marker to draw cavities on the laminated sheet of paper. Then, ask the students to use their Q-tips to eliminate the cavities!
  • –  Flossing activity
    • –  Materials: egg carton or ice cube tray, pipe cleaners, playdough
    • –  Goal: share the importance of flossing and getting the students into the habit of doing so by having them practice flossing!
    • –  Instructions for volunteers: place pieces of playdough into the crevices of the egg carton or ice cube tray. Then have the students use a pipe cleaner as “floss” to remove the playdough cavities


Apollo Visit

Special Friend Day

Special Friend Day

Rocketry Club

Lava Lamp


Building a lava lamp teaches kids about chemical reactions while still being colorful, creative, and fun! The carbon dioxide gas created in this reaction creates air bubbles, which carries the colored water to the top of the oil mixture. There, the bubbles pop and the color falls back down, creating the lava lamp effect. Have fun with this artsy science experiment!


  • –  Water bottles or other see-through containers (mason jars, plastic cups, etc)
  • –  Food coloring
  • –  Baby oil or cooking oil
  • –  Water
  • –  Alka seltzer tablets
  • –  Gallon bag for cleanup
  • Vocabulary
  • Chemical reaction: Rearranging the molecular structure of a substance to make a new substance
    Density: How compact a substance is in terms of mass per volume of that substance Mixture: A combination of multiple substances together


Videos of Parade:

Brookie Visit


Static Electricity

Firefighter Visit

National Fire Prevention Month

Open House

Rocketry Club



Teach kids about diffusion, solubility, and color mixing through this exciting art project! Allow the kids to express their artistic creativity with markers, then use diffusion principles to show them how science can (quite literally) expand that creative vision.

End of Year Picnic

Special Friend Day

Big Bears

Bear Cubs

Teddy Bears

Baby Chicks !


WUNS at STL City 2

Rocketry Club

Aluminum Boat: March 22

Teach kids about buoyancy through the boat challenge! This will also introduce them to building sturdy structures. Have fun playing with water outside while learning!

Play-dough / Slim Making : February 23

WU Smiles – Pre-Dental Society Visit

Rock Club 12/1

Special Friend Day

Rocketry Club

Invisible Messages

Static Electricity

Halloween Parade

Brookie and Bear Visit

WU Rocketry Club Visit

Clayton Fire Department Visit